A Barefoot Books Ambassador Blog
Bare-Footnotes will comment on the many amazing and exciting aspects of children's books and Barefoot Books, an independent publisher of children's literature, celebrating art and story! "Step inside a story", today!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Going Barefoot is Pratically a Requirement"

Haba rug Barefoot style,
not your cashmere bathroom rug!

I'm a big fan of HGTV.  I watch it a lot.  My husband says, "Maybe, too much!"  During a recent bathroom updating project I also took to surfing HGTV's web site.  While searching for the perfect towel bars, cabinet handles, and blinds I stumbled upon an ad for a  cashmere bath rug.  This luxurious rug was under the caption, "Going Barefoot is Practically a Requirement...!"   Of course the caption was referring to how amazing the rug would feel in your bare feet, but as an independent seller of Barefoot Books this caption spoke to me in a very different way.  Barefoot Books slogan is "Kick off your Shoes and Go Barefoot".  To me "Going Barefoot" is truly a  requirement in my life.  For almost three years, I have been enthusiastically sharing our  wonderful books.  Barefoot Books are gorgeous gems celebrating imagination, creativity, art, story, cultural diversity, and helping  our planet.  The idea of Living Barefoot brings on images of not only sinking one's toes into a soft cashmere rug, but running barefoot in the sand along the ocean, singing and dancing in the kitchen, catching fireflies, cuddling up and finding new treasures in a well read book, (the list is endless, full of simple, joyous pleasures) Through  Bare-Footnotes I will share Barefoot news, specials, opportunities, and individual books in hopes of showing what "Living Barefoot" is all about.  I invite you to read, follow, post your comments, and visit http://marshamiles.barefootbooks.com  in hopes of sharing why I believe "Going Barefoot is Practically a Requirement" with or without the cashmere rug!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Share your love with Barefoot Book titles of poetry, love, sharing, and giving this Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chinatown Shop in San Francisco

View into a  San Francisco Chinatown shop. - Summer 2009.  Get in the Spirit of Chinese New Year with the year of the Tiger!